Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

Representative and Senator Sponsor Record

Click on your legislator's name to see the bills they have sponsored or co-sponsored. If nothing is listed, they haven't put their name on any legislation that ECRI has tracked in the last 5 sessions.

Not sure who your representative is? Find out on the RI Secretary of State's website.

Note that columns with blue headings can be sorted. Default sort is by District, with the list of representatives first, followed by list of senators.

Contact your senator or representative and let them know you care about environmental legislation. Mention their record here, and ask them about it, thank them for their support of environmental issues if they have taken initiative on them, or ask them why they have not taken an interest.

Legislator Last Name Full Name District City/Town
Ajello Edith H. Ajello R01 Providence
Blazejewski Christopher R. Blazejewski R02 Providence
Biah Nathan W. Biah R03 Providence
Kislak Rebecca M. Kislak R04 Providence
Ranglin-Vassell Marcia Ranglin-Vassell R05 Providence
Hull Raymond A. Hull R06 North Providence, Providence
Morales David Morales R07 Providence
Lombardi John Joseph Lombardi R08 Providence
Williams Anastasia Williams R09 Providence
Slater Scott Slater R10 Providence
Diaz Grace Diaz R11 Providence
Batista Jose F. Batista R12 Providence
Perez Ramon A. Perez R13 Johnston, Providence
Lima, C. Charlene Lima R14 Cranston, Providence
Fenton-Fung Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung R15 Cranston
Potter Brandon C. Potter R16 Cranston
Baginski Jacquelyn M. Baginski R17 Cranston
Handy Arthur Handy R18 Cranston
McNamara Joseph M. McNamara R19 Cranston, Warwick
Bennett David A. Bennett R20 Cranston, Warwick
Vella-Wilkinson Camille F.J. Vella Wilkinson R21 Warwick
Solomon Jr. Joseph J. Solomon Jr. R22 Warwick
Shekarchi K. Joseph Shekarchi R23 Warwick
Shanley Evan P. Shanley R24 Warwick
Noret Thomas E. Noret R25 Coventry, West Warwick
Morgan Patricia L. Morgan R26 West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick
Serpa Patricia A. Serpa R27 West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick
Nardone George A. Nardone R28 Coventry
Roberts Sherry Roberts R29 Coventry, West Greenwich
Caldwell Justine A. Caldwell R30 East Greenwich, West Greenwich
Casimiro Julie A. Casimiro R31 North Kingstown, Exeter
Craven Robert E. Craven Sr. R32 North Kingstown
McEntee Carol Hagan McEntee R33 Narragansett, South Kingstown
Tanzi Teresa Ann Tanzi R34 Narragansett, South Kingstown
Fogarty Kathleen A. Fogarty R35 South Kingstown
Filippi Blake A. Filippi R36 Charlestown, New Shorham, South Kingstown, Westerly
Azzinaro Samuel A. Azzinaro R37 Westerly
Kennedy Brian Patrick Kennedy R38 Hopkinton, Westerly
Price Justin Price R39 Hopkinton, Exeter, Richmond
Chippendale Michael W. Chippendale R40 Coventry, Foster, Glocester
Quattrocchi Robert J. Quattrocchi R41 Cranston, Scituate
Cardillo Edward T. Cardillo, Jr. R42 Cranston, Johnston
Fellela Deborah A. Fellela R43 Johnston
Costantino Gregory J. Costantino R44 Johnston, Lincoln, Smithfield
Ackerman Mia A. Ackerman R45 Cumberland, Lincoln
Shallcross Smith Mary Ann Shallcross Smith R46 Lincoln, Pawtucket
Place David J. Place R47 Burrillville, Glocester
Newberry Brian C. Newberry R48 Burrillville, North Smithfield
Lima, S. Steven J. Lima R49 Woonsocket
Casey Stephen M. Casey R50 Woonsocket
Phillips Robert D. Phillips R51 Woonsocket, Cumberland
Marszalkowski Alex D. Marszalkowski R52 Cumberland
Hawkins Bernard A. Hawkins R53 Glocester, Smithfield
O'Brien William W. O'Brien R54 North Providence
Corvese Arthur J. Corvese R55 North Providence
Giraldo Joshua J. Giraldo R56 Central Falls
McLaughlin James N. McLaughlin R57 Central Falls, Cumberland
Tobon Carlos E. Tobon R58 Pawtucket
Barros Jean Philippe Barros R59 Pawtucket
Alzate Karen Alzate R60 Pawtucket
Felix Leonela Felix R61 Pawtucket
Messier Mary D. Messier R62 Pawtucket
Kazarian Katherine S. Kazarian R63 East Providence
Henries Brianna E. Henries R64 East Providence
Amore Gregg Amore R65 East Providence
Cassar Liana M. Cassar R66 Barreington, East Providence
Knight Jason Knight R67 Barrington, Warren
Speakman June S. Speakman R68 Bristol, Warren
Donovan Susan R. Donovan R69 Bristol, Portsmouth
Edwards John G. Edwards R70 Portsmouth, Tiverton
McGaw Michelle E. McGaw R71 Little Compton, Portsmouth, Tiverton
Cortvriend Terri Cortvriend R72 Middletown, Portsmouth
Abney Marvin L. Abney R73 Middletown, Newport
Ruggiero Deborah Ruggiero R74 Jamestown, Middletown
Carson Lauren Carson R75 Newport
Goodwin Maryellen Goodwin S01 Providence
Quezada Ana B. Quezada S02 Providence
Zurier Samuel D. Zurier S03 Providence
Ruggerio Dominick J. Ruggerio S04 Providence, North Providence
Bell Samuel W. Bell S05 Providence
Mack Tiara T. Mack S06 Providence
Ciccone Frank A. Ciccone III S07 Providence, North Providence
Cano Sandra Cano S08 Pawtucket
Burke John P. Burke S09 West Warwick
Felag Walter S. Felag Jr. S10 Bristol, Tiverton, Warrem
Seveney James A. Seveney S11 Bristol, Portsmouth, Tiverton
DiPalma Louis P. DiPalma S12 Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Tiverton
Euer Dawn Euer S13 Newport, Jamestown
Lawson Valarie J. Lawson S14 East Providence
Kallman Meghan E. Kallman S15 Pawtucket, North Providence
Acosta Jonathon Acosta S16 Central Falls, Pawtucket
Paolino Thomas J. Paolino S17 Lincoln, North Providence, North Smithfield
Mendes Cynthia M. Mendes S18 East Providence, Pawtucket
Pearson Ryan W. Pearson S19 Cumberland
Picard Roger A. Picard S20 Wooonsocket, Cumberland
Rogers Gordon E. Rogers S21 Coventry, Foster, Scituate, West Greenwich
Archambault Stephen R. Archambault S22 Smithfield, North Providence, Johnston
de la Cruz Jessica de la Cruz S23 Burrillville, Glocester, North Smithfield
Murray Melissa A. Murray S24 Woonsocket, North Smithfield
Lombardo Frank Lombardo, III S25 Johnston
Lombardi Frank S. Lombardi S26 Cranston
Gallo Hanna M. Gallo S27 Cranston, West Warwick
Miller Joshua Miller S28 Cranston, Providence
McCaffrey Michael J. McCaffrey S29 Warwick
Calkin Jeanine Calkin S30 Warwick
Anderson Kendra Anderson S31 Warwick, Cranston
Coyne Cynthia Armour Coyne S32 Barrington, Bristol, East Providence
Raptakis Leonidas P. Raptakis S33 ​​​Coventry, East Greenwich, West Greenwich
Morgan Elaine J. Morgan S34 Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkinton, Richmond, West Greenwich
Valverde Bridget G. Valverde S35 East Greenwich, North Kingstown, South Kingstown, Narragansett
DiMario Alana DiMario S36 North Kingstown, Narragansett
Sosnowski V. Susan Sosnowski S37 New Shoreham, South Kingstown
Algiere Dennis L. Algiere S38 Westerly, Charlestown, South Kingstown
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