Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

ECRI's Annual Meeting, June 7th

The 2021 Annual Meeting of both ECRI and it's sister organization, the 501(c)(3) Environmental Council of Rhode Island's Education Fund, will be held virtually on Monday, June 7th @ 5:30pm

Last year during the pandemic, the Environment Council of Rhode Island turned 50! We were a bit off balance (like everyone) at the time, so we are finally going to celebrate at this year’s ECRI Annual Meeting on the evening of June 7th on Zoom.

To celebrate, we'll have a narrated slide show of some of ECRI’s glorious past and recognize the people who got us here.  But we are moving forward: the world is changing right before our eyes, and the environmental movement is doing the same.

Our own Greg Gerritt will bridge the past and future with a talk titled:

“The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Towards Justice: The Changing Environmental Movement in the 21st Century and ECRI’s Role.”

We'll also hear from the consultants helping ECRI chart its future in the changing environmental movement -- how we prepare for activism in the new era. We aim to bring equity and justice into our work, knowing that healthy communities and a healthy environment go hand in hand.

=> Register to Attend Now!

The registration page also connects to the donate page AND you can correspond with the office about, and pay for, ads and sponsorships.

Support for ECRI

ECRI's annual meetings are not only informative and celebratory, but they are also important for fundraising. We ask attendees for a contribution with no minimum. ECRI only thrives when its member organizations support the work we do on issues and for the community. We anticipate our organizational members will want to have their ads in the 50th Anniversary program, and we look forward to your continuing financial support.

This year's ad book will be on ECRI’s website for several months and emailed to the entire ECRI email list as well as everyone who registers for the annual meeting. Additionally, Annual Meeting advertisers and sponsors will be listed in ECRI Calendar and Updates.


  • $50 for a business card-sized ads
  • $100 and $200 for larger ads
  • $300 for a half page ad
  • $500 for a full page ad and a listing as a sponsor

We can tailor the ads for you. Please get in touch with Greg Gerritt at the ECRI office and we can send appropriate paperwork. If you as policy specialist are not the person to handle this for your organization, please send it to the appropriate person in your organization and loop us into the conversation.

Contributions to support the Annual Meeting are tax deductible as they will be made to ECRI’s sister organization, the ECRI Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Looking forward to conversation and support.

=> Register to Attend Now!