Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy


Inclusion of Incineration of Solid Waste in Statewide Resource Recovery System Development Plan

Eliminates the prohibition on inclusion of incineration of solid waste in the statewide resource recovery system development plan.

Leg Agenda/Priority: 
Legislative Priority
ECRI Pro/Con: 

E-waste Recycling

The WIN team refurbish computers for needy students and lobbied for e-waste recycling laws. The TGIF (Turn Grease into Fuel) began in 2008 as a pilot program in Westerly and expanded statewide. There are 93 restaurants now participating in the program. Proceeds from this program are donated to needy families. The 100,000 gallons of waste grease collected has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 million pounds/year.


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