Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy


Institute at Brown for Environment and Society (IBES)

Formerly known as the Center for Environmental Studies, IBES offers Brown University students an opportunity to study environmental issues in depth by integrating several academic disciplines. Thesis writers are encouraged to analyze an environmental problem of importance to the local community. The Center is housed in the Urban Environment Lab, a superinsulated passive/ active solar retrofit on the Brown Campus.

RI Interfaith Power & Light

RI Interfaith Power & Light is a collection of faith communities committed to actively responding to global warming and its multiple effects on the earth. We are motivated by the call to love our neighbors (near and far) and take responsibility for the care of God's creation. While our diverse faith traditions translate this call in a variety of ways, our hearts have chosen to come together as one in response to this world-wide challenge.


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