Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

2021-2022 Senate Committee on Rules, Government Ethics & Oversight

Committee Description: 

It shall be the duty of the committee on Rules, Government Ethics and Oversight to consider the appointments of the Governor referred to it by the Senate which require the advice and consent of the Senate, and

1) to monitor and evaluate past, current and prospective performance of public bodies and statutory entities, including quasi-public agencies that exercise executive governmental functions (except public bodies and statutory entities of the legislative and judiciary branches of the state) and any other public or private person, including any agencies, partnerships, corporation or business entity insofar as such person is acting on behalf of and/or in place of any public agency;
(2) to consider the organization, reorganization, creation or termination of such public bodies, statutory entities, including quasi-public agencies and public or private persons;
(3) to review and consider the reports of the auditor general;
(4) to report its opinion and/or recommendation of legislation or action regarding the foregoing matters;
(5) to consider any bill referred to it by the senate, including, but not limited to any act, resolve, resolution or petition; and
(6) to consider such other matters that are referred to it by the Senate.


GA Session: 
GA Committee Chair: 
Committee Short Name: 
Rules, Government Ethics & Oversight