Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

ECRI Meeting Minutes, September 2019


1.  Approval of minutes
2.  Office report (Greg Gerritt)
3.  President’s report (Priscilla De La Cruz)
     a. Update on ECRI officers and vacant seat(s)
     b. Former Energize campaign manager, Laufton Ascencao, investigation
     c. Earth Day 2020 and DEM
     d. Introduction as ECRI’s President and brief meetings with state staff working on energy and environment
4.  Presentation from Sunrise Movement RI, Samy Amkieh (30 minutes, includes Q&A)
5.  Reports
     a. Invenergy case update (Jerry Elmer)
6.  Reports from ECRI fiscal agency projects
     a. Green Infrastructure Coalition
     b. Energize Coalition
     c. School Recycling Club/Triple M Productions
7.  Announcements (all)

Pub Date: 
Monday, September 9, 2019