Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

ECRI Meeting Minutes, May 2019


1.    Welcome & Introductions
2.    Approval of minutes
3.    Office report (Greg Gerritt)
          a.    Raffle drawing
4.    President’s report (Meg Kerr)
          a.    Consideration of revised fiscal agency policies
5.    Presentations on state transportation issues
          a.    John Flaherty and Peter Brassard, Grow Smart Rhode Island
          b.    Hank Webster, Acadia Center, on Transit Climate Initiative
6.    Report on nominations and election of new officers
7.    Reports
          a.    Pol Comm  (John Berard)
8.    Reports from ECRI fiscal agency projects
          a.    Green Infrastructure Coalition
          b.    Energize Coalition
9.    Announcements (all)

Pub Date: 
Monday, May 6, 2019