Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

Vermicompost Project

A Vermicompost Project by the The Greene School in West Greenwich will use Red Wiggler worms to decompose vegetation and shredded paper waste in our school. Students and staff will create worm bins and add 15 lbs. of Red Wigglers to begin the process immediately. Castings will fertilize our school garden which supplies herbs and vegetables for our cooking class.
The Greene School Community will see an immediate reduction of shredded paper and vegetable scraps. Our long term goal is to harvest enough worms to send willing staff and students home with their own pound of worms so that the composting effort is replicated and the education wiggles it's way into many different households and communities. Future plans include holding student run education seminars on vermicomposting and recycling.

Award Type: 
Loraine Tisdale Environmental Education Award
Award Year: 